Episode 6 - West Texas Whitetail Hunt
Nov 18, 2021
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Opening Day
What a first morning! From the time I got to the stand until about 8:30 am, I was covered with animals. I saw a pig, a black buck doe, two 8-point whitetail bucks, and a spike. One of the 8-points was nice, but I was holding out for that big 10-point buck I was after during bow season - the one with the trash everywhere. He's been a regular on the camera here and I was hoping to knock him down during this short trip to Texas. Even though I saw a few shooter bucks come to the stand opening morning, I was going to hold out.
The Evening Hunt
I headed back out in the same stand that I sat that morning. The sun came out and it warmed up to probably around 75 degrees. I wasn't sure how the change in temperature would affect the deers movements, but I was pretty certain that it would keep them from moving until a little closer to dark.Â
Even though I wasn't able to get a shot on anything, I still chalked the day up as a win with all the activity I'd seen.
Day Two
Even with all the activity at the first stand yesterday morning, I decided I needed a change of scenery. I chose to go to a different stand about half a mile away on another ridge. Within just a few hours, I had seen two small 8-points and had a herd of between 6 and 8 Mouflon sheep run through. Unfortunately, I never got a shot at them.Â
But man, what a hunt so far! I had seen probably, 12 or 13 deer, including a couple of young bucks. One 8-point was chasing and chasing for an hour all around the stand. And then another 8-point made a rub right out in front of me, which was cool to see. But with the deer having moved out, it was time to head back to camp, get some food, regroup, and come up with a game plan for the evening hunt.
2nd Evening
I decided to go back to the same spot as that morning for two reasons.
One: I saw a lot of deer. Way more than I was expecting. On the way in, we saw four whitetail deer heading in and there were two does and a fawn already feeding when we got here. It was a good sign.
And two: There's a management buck that's been on the camera here. We had gotten this buck on camera last year and he hasn't grown much. He's an 8-point, 20-21 inches wide, but not very tall tines. He is one we want to cut out. So I set my sights on him, but still hopeful that my big 10-pointer might just show up.
This Little Piggy...
I was running out of light pretty quick. I had probably five or six bucks in front of me and an Axis to my left, but still neither of the two bucks I had my eyes on. But then with just 15 minutes of shooting light left, I saw a small pig come in and give me a shot. I took it and down he went! This little piggy is going to the market.
What a freaking hunt! I had seen 16 whitetail deer, three Axis, and got myself a pig. I was riding high and ready for my final morning hunt.
Final Morning
I had this crazy idea to change spots again for my last sit in Texas. It wasn't a very good idea.Â
Even though I had seen seven deer in the first few hours, they worked their way off and my hunting spot became a ghost town.
To add salt to that wound, the two bucks I was after were at the other two stands I had been hunting this trip. The management buck I was after was at a stand with another hunter. And the big 10-point buck I was after was at the stand my dad was sitting in.
My dad had tagged out on an 11-point yesterday morning, so he didn't shoot 'my buck'. But my dad did end up watching and videoing him from daylight until we had to call it quits. That stung a bit...
Wrapping It Up
Even though I didn't get either of the bucks I was after, I didn't go home empty handed. Locke and I leave for Missouri and Kansas as soon as we get back and we’re supposed to have some really good weather there. So hopefully, we can get it done up there.
Make sure to check out SKRE gear's whitetail bundles when you are getting your gear out for your next whitetail hunt. They have a variety of camo bundles for all seasons, so you can be prepared with high quality hunting clothes any time you go out.
Check out all the episodes of our Whitetail Hunting '21-'22 Season:
Whitetail Hunting Episode 1: Missouri Early Season Cold Front
Whitetail Hunting Episode 2: West Texas Opener
Whitetail Hunting Episode 3: October Archery in Louisiana
Whitetail Hunting Episode 4: Opening Day in Michigan Upper Peninsula
Whitetail Hunting Episode 5: Arrow Release in Louisiana
Whitetail Hunting Episode 6: West Texas Rifle Opener
Whitetail Hunting Episode 7: November Rut Missouri
Whitetail Hunting Episode 8: Rutting Bucks in SE Kansas